Ephesians 4:21b-24 - “Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God-truly righteous and holy.”
“So what Paul is urging the young Christians is that they allow this teaching of Jesus to have its full effect in their lives. Now that they are ‘in Christ,’ they have the responsibility, in the power of the Spirit, to take off the old lifestyle, the old way of being human, like someone stripping off a shabby and worn suit of clothing. It may have become comfortable. You may be used to it, and even quite like it. Familiar old clothes are often like that, and brand new ones often feel a bit strange. But if you want to live as a new person in and for the king, the old suit of clothes has to come off, and the new one has to go on.
“The point, then, is not to be deceived by what lust and greed whisper in your ear. It’s the mind and heart that matter. If they learn to recognize the deceitful whisperings, to name them and reject them, the first vital step to the new way of life has been taken. ‘Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.’ (verse 23): that’s the secret. If the heart is right, it’s time to get the mind right. Then you’ll have the energy of will-power to bring the behaviour into line. Off with the old, on with the new!” (NT Wright, Paul for Everyone; note that NLT translation and not the author’s was used for verse 23).
Prayer: Jesus, thank you that through your indwelling Spirit, the old way of life is thrown off and being thrown off! In your name, Amen.