Luke 10:36 - “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
In today’s passage, Jesus asks the expert in the law which of the three men was a neighbor to the Jew who was robbed, beaten, and left half-dead by the side of the road - the Priest, the Levite, or the Samaritan. The interesting aspect of this question is that Jesus forces the expert in the law to identify himself with the man on the side of the road, for his myopic religious views and nationalistic pride prevented him from identifying himself as the Samaritan in the story. However, to identify himself as the man on the side of the road, he has to become someone in need of mercy and compassion, and the one offering this mercy is a Samaritan. This is therefore the genius and the shock of this parable, for in order for the expert in the law to “go and do likewise,” meant that he needed to be identified as the man on the side of the road receiving saving mercy from a Samaritan, which meant that he needed to undergo a transformation in his heart, mind, soul, and strength. This is exactly what we are invited into on a daily basis, to humble ourselves and be identified as the man on the side of the road, and the only one who can save us is Jesus.
Today, let’s position ourselves as the man on the side of the road, and consider (remember) the clear moments when Jesus has come to your rescue-with the binding of our wounds and healing of our lives. As you consider this, spend time in worship with this song: