Follow-up reminder:
Our AFAC spring 2016 gathering for all adjunct faculty at UMBC will be held this Friday evening.
Where: The Fireside Lounge, UMBC Commons
When: 5:00 p.m. - (approximately) 8:00 p.m.
Come to mix and meet other adjunct faculty from other departments across campus, to share ideas, and to hear about projects.
A special invitation has been extended to adjunct faculty awardees of AFAC grants for research and professional development.
Plan to join us, your time permitting, for good food and stimulating ideas. We look forward to sharing some plans and proposals.
Note: Particularly if you have an interest in teaching an interdisciplinary course, or if you might like to participate in an Adjunct Faculty Research Conference at UMBC, please do plan to gather with us.
Looking forward to seeing those of you whose schedule permits.