FYI to all adjunct faculty:
Coming next: a quick, anonymous survey
We are soliciting input from adjuncts themselves on criteria for promotion to Adjunct III. The aim is to recognize as many professional activities as possible.
To implement the new rank of Adjunct III, the UMBC Faculty Senate Faculty Affairs Committee has asked the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee to survey adjunct faculty on criteria for promotion. Guidelines from the provost’s office have established that criteria for eligible adjunct faculty will fall into the categories of teaching and service. The AFAC is seeking input in each of these categories.
Adjunct faculty, as defined under Section 5.5.II of the UMBC Faculty Handbook, are initially appointed with the rank of Adjunct I and are eligible to apply for promotion to Adjunct II after three years of teaching at UMBC, in at least twelve 3-credit courses, establishing a consistent record of teaching excellence.
Note that adjunct faculty are not necessarily recognized within departments for research, independent projects, professional development, or off-campus service. We therefore hope to find ways to recognize the extensive professional activities in which adjuncts engage.
So we intend for the criteria to invite input in those areas which would support an adjunct’s promotion to Adjunct III. It is appropriate to view your professional and community activities through the prism of benefit to the entire school and to your community, especially in considering the category of service.